Friday, May 2, 2008

responsorum questions an answers

In the San Marco cathedral in Venice the monks stood on either side of the church looking down at the gossiping manipulating,money concious bourgeoisie.They sang gregorian at first ,then the great composers like Monteverdi entered the question and answering game.I am drinking champagne right now ,my head is full of bubbles and my ears are beginning to hear the aching intervals of Monteverdis music in that same head as well.My head that is.Meanwhile the monks are clearvoiced young and straightbacked with eyes full of music ,chords on small texts they throw at each other like a ball game and the church amplifies their sound and amplifies the beauty .How simple the anwers and the questions and the questions and the answers were back then.Or were they?Not really i should think,but i don’t want to think.I am drinking gesprister the same that i drank in Vienna with Gabi and Hannes and we sang a trio outside a pub interchanging our parts,so out of tune that they threw bread at us from the windows of the alleyway where we stood and sang.No questions or anwsers there.Gabi is kammersangerin now at the StaatsOper and Hannes ,ah ,he is an architect of houses and of his life i suppose. I want to remember the Lamento del la ninfa the woman sighing in a tiny upward semidemitone line amor amor,and the three men wailing ,miserella ,miserable creature.Argh the pleasure of having three brilliantly singing men wailing with you little unhappy ninf.Minimal music is filling the room while i wait to be that unhappy ninf .But so: the singing went this way and that way in the church while the bishop got cold feet and the people colder feet ,but the monks did’nt stop for hours ,they did;nt care ,they were caught in the web of the chords created.Now i am caught in a silence in between some chords .I build up some questions and i build up some answers .I can’t hear the chords though,only minimal music,one ,two notes on silence.What was it i wanted to know anyway?

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