Friday, May 2, 2008


That's what i put down as the subject,but it's so much more then music,although ;music is everything.I'm wearing a woolly hat with glitters on it today because my hair is wet and its bloody cold and i wanna keep my ears warm.Actually i 've been so cold lately that i can't think of anywhere better to be then in Budapest in a public sulphur and steambath ,naked and boiling with all the other naked women because in these baths men and women are kept seperate.I want to be lifted up by one of thes enormous women who can massage the bejaysus out of me.Nothing left but then i- am- a- flatfish feeling and my brains shrunk to nothingness and watered down into the hottest pool.Where i spotted two women in bathingsuits once.Wearing pearls and chatting to each other as if at a Hungarian teaparty.To my suprise i could follow their conversation;it turned out they were dutch ,that's why i could understand their rant.But why the bathingsuit when everybody is naked?I suppose there are many ways of showing one is a rebel.See now i've followed my songline back to Budapest, where i sang the soundtrack for a movie and i had to pour my words and music inot the mouth of an actress was was actually singing my lines.She refused to open her mouth because she thought it looked UGLY.Yes that,could be the case if you 're esthetics are stuck at Hollywood level and you can't appreciate the visual abandonment in song or music.Oh must go must sing must add more tomorrow,sing along please

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